Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 9: Kind Words

This week we decided to think about what we say to others. Big and grand acts of service are awesome, but sometimes just our words can brighten someone's day.

We discussed the difference in how we say things using examples of tone and facial expressions. Sometimes we don't realize how something may come out of our mouths even with the best intentions.

The goal for this week was to say something nice to someone every day.

Here are a couple of Sienna's experiences:
♥ She saw a lady walking to her car and thought she was pretty. She and I were sitting in our car so we rolled down the window and told her that she looked pretty today. The lady was surprised and very happy. She drove away with a huge smile on her face.
♥ Sienna told one of her friends at school that she loved her and gave her a big hug.

Here are a couple of Haven's experiences:
♥ During the school open house, Haven went to her teacher, Mrs. Miller and gave her a big hug and told her she loves her.
♥ She told one of her friends how much she likes playing with her.

Together, when we were at the mall, we told the lady helping us that shirt was really pretty.

These are just small things that didn't cost anything. They just took a few seconds of our time. However, they probably made someone smile and warmed a heart for a long time.

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